Real Friends

July 31, 2015

Welcome friend!  Thanks for checking out my new blog… I’m excited to connect with YOU.

I want this site to be a place that inspires, connects, and creates transformation.  And it starts with being real.  There is nothing better than being with real friends.  Not friends where you pretend like you’re both perfect and never share what is really going on inside.  It’s taken me a while to figure it out, but it takes a leap of faith to make real friends.

Throughout my 20s, the lies of perfectionism controlled me.  If people know all your imperfections, they won’t like you. Cover up those blemishes – a little concealer here, a little cover-up there.  Hide the baggage and ugly black circles.  Don’t let even your closest friends see those ugly places. 

It sent me into hiding.

One day a close friend lovingly said something I’ll never forget, “Sometimes I don’t feel like I know you.”

Ouch.  I don’t feel like I know you.  Who wants to be friends with someone they don’t know?

My friend was right.  All my hiding hadn’t worked – it only created distance.  It created a perfect wall to deeper friendships.

Deeper friendships can be scary.  They require exposing parts of ourselves most people haven’t seen.  But it’s a fear worth facing.

Our closest friends have seen our zits, blackheads, and scars.  They have seen us make-up free – and they love us anyway.  In fact, they love us even more because they know us.  By removing the concealer and being real, we can really connect, learn, and grow.  We can see each other’s true beauty.

God uses real friendships to transform us into the people He wants us to be.  Let’s be real together friend!


Categories: Friendship
Tags: friends, friendship, real,

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