Choosing Joy
May 8, 2016
“Mommy will be ok. I’ll figure out how to live joyfully like Jenson.”
It’s a promise to my sweet boy that is always harder to keep on May 8 (the day he passed away). And on Mother’s Day. This year May 8 is Mother’s Day … a perfect collision of every dichotomy. A day to celebrate. A day to grieve. A day to be thankful for moms. A day moms mourn the loss of a precious child. A day filled with immense beauty and depths of sorrow.
My daughter Sydney gave me a Mother’s Day gift this morning. It’s a picture of two words. Two words that are simple to say but hard to live out. It was like God sent a lightning rod straight through to my grieving heart.
Choose joy.
A reminder from my God.
A reminder from my girl.
A reminder from my boy.
A reminder to anyone who has loved and lost this Mother’s Day to choose joy.